How'd we go?
Big dreams became a reality as Chris faced the sharks and presented the expansion of Koda Sail on the big stage.
From humble beginnings back in 2014, to now hosting over 500 passengers each Summer, Koda Sail has come a long way and looking forward to an even brighter future ahead!
With over 700,000 viewers of the episode when it went to air, Koda Sail is sure to have been noticed!
Once the doors closed, the Sharks were quietly pleased with what they had just saw. Check out this extra footage here of them candidly discussing Koda Sail's success.
Read what Shark Naomi Simson from Red Balloon had to say about Koda Sail's appearance on the show HERE
And hear what they had to say once the doors closed HERE.
Bright things ahead for Koda Sail!
Thanks for being a part of the Koda Sail family and sharing the journey with us :)
Big love from
The Koda Sail team
UPDATE: With the success of our time on Shark Tank, Koda Sail has expanded to it's first destination outside of Croatia, into the turquoise waters of Turkey! Check out the new product here and #GETONBOARD today!
Koda Sail takes on the Sharks!
Did you catch us on the popular TV series Shark Tank?
Our always smiling founder Chris (and his trusty beard) pitched the expansion of Koda Sail on the big stage, in episode 4 of Network 10's Shark Tank (Australia). Watch it here